7.24.23. Gordon's Weekly Recommendations
(Art with help from Generative Image AI platform DALL-E 2 from my prompt: “Two 3-D style Barbie dolls as hairdressers smiling and standing together drinking coffee”)
VIDEOS: Recommended Viewing
All new smart talk on AI challenges we face at a time when our love of ‘the now’ too often ignores the warning signs of possible trouble ahead.
POSTS: Recommended Reading
On Teens and Social Media: some great context & advice from The American Psychological Association.
Health advisory on social media use in adolescence
APPS: Recommended From the App Store
Android users Rejoice: this one’s for you!
Bloomberg’s West Cassova’s episode on the likely coming challenges facing social media platforms, traditional media & streaming platforms. Bonus: Threads insights!
My all-new episodes (including as host of Beauty Cast Network’s Mastering Beauty)
Wishing you a most beautiful week(!),
P.S. If you like what you find here, consider sharing it with others. If you have feedback or questions, please email Gordon@SocialBeautyMakers.com.