(Art with help from AI ChatGPT-DALL-E3 using the prompt: “photo-like image of 2 panda bears dressed as women standing and toasting one another with mint juleps”)
VIDEOS: Recommended Viewing
AI is, in part, to thank for The Beatles’ final song: Machine learning helped Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr (w George Harrison vocals by AI) turn an old John Lennon demo into their last song as a group. It’s brilliant!
POSTS: Recommended Reading
A guide to help salons compare and contrast features/offerings on salon-focused tech tools:
The Salon Today 2023 Technology Guide’
Seth Godin’s blog post on “community”. The value of which in beauty is at perhaps an all-time low. Will see if 2024 brings us a resurgence. 🤞🤞🤞
APPS: Recommended From the App Store
Get an AI meeting assistant that records audio, writes notes, captures action items, and generates summaries.
Hard Fork is a brilliantly geeky, fun, long-form podcast. I strongly recommend upping your player speed to at least 1.5 (i go with 2x) for this one:
My all-new episodes:
Social Beauty Makers: AI won’t take your job BUT....
Mastering Beauty: The Power of Team
Wishing you a most beautiful week(!),
P.S. If you like what you find here, consider sharing it with others. If you have feedback or questions, please email Gordon@SocialBeautyMakers.com.