This week’s finds across 4 categories of content. Click links to view/listen/read.
AI is moving FAST - and so I’ll continue to update as changes (and great tools and tips) keep coming.
VIDEOS: Recommended Viewing
Best AI tools to improve productivity and workflow NOW.
POSTS: Recommended Reading
GREAT tips on how to use ChatGPT for everyday business.
APPS: Recommended From the App Store
Freeform is a highly flexible digital whiteboard-like platform. I love it!
PODCASTS: Recommended Listening
L’Oréal’s AI-based social listening tool TrendSpotter tracks macro-influencer posts and other content to inform new product and service development.
My latest episodes:
26. Future View: Our Shared Responsibility to Next-Gen Professionals
25. The Ongoing (r)Evolution in Tech & Social Media for Salons
Wishing you a most beautiful week(!),
P.S. If you like what you find, consider sharing it with others. If you have feedback or questions, please email