Art help from DALL-E 3 with my prompt: “Renaissance art like painting of aristocratic tortie cat and mixed breed hound/rat terrier - dressed like humans posing for portrait.” My tribute to the rescue kids, my office mates, Olivia and Cody.
VIDEOS: Recommended Viewing
To understand AI’s true potential you must consider the work of Nvidia (valued today at $2.2 TRILLION).
POSTS: Recommended Reading
The Instagram algorithm is changing- potentially wreaking havoc on beauty media. It’s a slow rollout so time will tell but this one has been coming for some time. Read on:
APPS: Recommended in the App Store
Bonus article (from the same site):
PODCASTS: Recommended Listening
I’ve been talking on stages about Khan Academy for 10 years. Their AI work in education is changing the world -and will ripple in time to impact beauty.
My latest episodes:
Wishing you a most beautiful week(!),
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