(caring Robot art by way of AI platform DALL-E 2)
In honor of Juneteenth, I’m sending this week’s picks a day later than usual.
VIDEOS: Recommended Viewing
A lot of AI as of late -BUT it is one of the biggest innovations in history…and it’s just getting started.
POSTS: Recommended Reading
He Bought a ChatGPT Plus Subscription ($20 /month)—and “It’s Worth It”
APPS: Recommended From the App Store
The average iPhone user has 80+ apps; and uses only 25 regularly. I have 97! This week’s recommendation: LET’S CLEAN UP OUR APPS! ;-)
One of the top business/ tech-related podcasts, Kara Swisher’s ON with a brilliant conversation on AI. Highly recommended!!
Inflection AI: Personalized and …then some
My Latest Episodes: My short-form AI primer for beauty. Best listened to in order:
Wishing you a most beautiful week(!),
P.S. If you like what you find here, consider sharing it with others. If you have feedback or questions, please email Gordon@SocialBeautyMakers.com.