Social Beauty Makers
Social Beauty Makers
31. Instagram IS Your Career Portfolio

31. Instagram IS Your Career Portfolio

(whether you know it or not!)

Today, social platforms like Instagram are searchable - including by way of Google; and that is a game-changer for salons and pros. Consumers use social content to make decisions about how & where they spend. Many pros looking at employment opportunities check out salons on IG to help them decide if they should apply; & many looking to hire use IG as a first impression before interviewing. Listen in for more on what this all means.

Social Beauty Makers
Social Beauty Makers
Each week, longtime pro beauty executive Gordon Miller brings insights and inspiration to you - by way of 2 fast-paced 15-minute episodes.
Sundays feature 1-on-1 conversations around one big idea with industry "masters" - a group of mindful (and often iconic!) professionals with unique insights into a variety of important topics.
Wednesdays feature Gordon solo for a curated version of what he sees and hears in our larger world that is relevant to salons, pros, and brands. As Gordon likes to say "the pro beauty industry is a mirror image of our larger world" - and this is our 15-minute weekly effort to share what that might mean for your today....and tomorrow.