I don’t typically send anything but my weekly recommendations to you all-but have to make what I promise is a rare exception for this episode of the podcast. When certain industry coaches start sharing Instagram posts stating strongly (supported by bad math and logic) that deregulation is “GREAT” for the industry, we hopefully recognize the danger of misinformation (likely being used to get attention and grow followers). This is my attempt to set the record straight and offer missing context.
Episode Description: Apologies in advance for this rant on the danger of uninformed 'experts' encouraging total deregulation of the hairdressing industry. After decades of concerted efforts to promote and maintain the value of licensing, it's shocking to read posts by coaches with a big following irresponsibly sharing what I can only call 'fake beauty news'. I'm the first to say that licensing is imperfect -but let's not throw the proverbial 'baby out with the bathwater'. For more on the importance and value of licensing, I suggest www.probeauty.org as a great resource.